Just As You Are
Just As You Are

Did you know that God loves you just as you are? It's true! There's nothing you can do to earn (or lose) God's love, He loves you no matter what! However, God's love for us does not mean that He approves of how we are living. We all sin, but God wants better for us. God doesn't love you because you do what is right, He wants you to do what's right because he loves you!
Did you know that God loves you just as you are? It's true! There's nothing you can do to earn (or lose) God's love, He loves you no matter what! However, God's love for us does not mean that He approves of how we are living. We all sin, but God wants better for us. God doesn't love you because you do what is right, He wants you to do what's right because he loves you!

Did you know that God loves you just as you are? It's true! There's nothing you can do to earn (or lose) God's love, He loves you no matter what! However, God's love for us does not mean that He approves of how we are living. We all sin, but God wants better for us. God doesn't love you because you do what is right, He wants you to do what's right because he loves you!