Monster Fears,Part 2
Monster Fears,Part 2

Monster Fears Part 2! Showing right now is the monster hit internet show, Spooked, featuring Miles and Syd! Being left out, bullies, big scary things, and being laughed at are just a few of the monster fears that elementary kids face! In each video you’ll learn how you can take a step in beating your monster fears by talking to God, who is our helper!
Monster Fears Part 2! Showing right now is the monster hit internet show, Spooked, featuring Miles and Syd! Being left out, bullies, big scary things, and being laughed at are just a few of the monster fears that elementary kids face! In each video you’ll learn how you can take a step in beating your monster fears by talking to God, who is our helper!

Monster Fears Part 2! Showing right now is the monster hit internet show, Spooked, featuring Miles and Syd! Being left out, bullies, big scary things, and being laughed at are just a few of the monster fears that elementary kids face! In each video you’ll learn how you can take a step in beating your monster fears by talking to God, who is our helper!