Jesus Began the Church
Jesus Began the Church
After Jesus' resurrection, He instructed His followers to wait for the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit's coming during Pentecost empowe, them for miracles and spreading Jesus' message, establishing the first church, despite persecution and conversions like Saul becoming Paul. Use this Mini-Movie to teach your kids about the early church.
After Jesus' resurrection, He instructed His followers to wait for the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit's coming during Pentecost empowe, them for miracles and spreading Jesus' message, establishing the first church, despite persecution and conversions like Saul becoming Paul. Use this Mini-Movie to teach your kids about the early church.
After Jesus' resurrection, He instructed His followers to wait for the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit's coming during Pentecost empowe, them for miracles and spreading Jesus' message, establishing the first church, despite persecution and conversions like Saul becoming Paul. Use this Mini-Movie to teach your kids about the early church.